Monday, May 2, 2011

Mane Attraction- Season's First Look/An Evening Out

Season's First Look


Ok so I change my hair like I change my socks. Normally in the spring and summer, I like to become Jill Scott, my favorite singer.My motto: "I'm everyone I pretend to be...(Living Single-Regine) I like the Afrocentric and natural look cuz its very hot and humid in TN and its an easy coif to maintain.  So here I am above in my first look for the warm season. Jill inspired. The front is braided for show and the back is playful curls in a fro. Simple and pretty without trying to be. I was going to sew in my Jerry Curl tracks in the back and then pick it out into an Afro but this particular night it got late and I felt that would take too long. So I went to the hair store and bought a fall. The name of this fall is called, Gloria from the Bobbi Boss, Easy Wear line. I had a friend braid the front back, then continue a braid around my head into a bee hive in order to anchor the fall. All together this style took two and a half hours of my time. Anyway, How you like the final outcome.

An Evening Out

This is my sister in law, Proud Mother of Four, LaDonna Williams. I salute her for her patience and grace to be married to my brother and her heart for taking care of four children,two hers and two her step children. She makes blended families look easy and the fact that she always answers her phone in what seems to be a good mood and perky attitude, sickens me. I know I would be pulling my hair out.

Ok so she calls me and tells me, she is going out. All she wanted was her make up done and lashes. I was like ok. However, right before she came she calls and says, "Oh and I need some hair." Mind you her hair is thick and down her back but I understand, time is of the essence when you finally get to go out and let your hair down, doing your hair is not quite on the list of things you choose to do with that free time. Here's her outcome...

First of all, I parted and left out a section in the front of her head, flat ironed that section and proceeded to manage the back. I had a fall called Roxie with full body curls, highlighted color 4/30. This girl(wig) looks good on anybody, it just depends on the way you choose to wear it. I braided her natural hair into two old braids and pinned them up. Placed the fall on her head securing with the combs already in the fall and two hair pins. Finally, I pulled the front of her hair back into a bump and curled her some cascading curls and blended it with the fall.Here we have a night look which looks like she spent at least 3hrs in the shop. "Girl, she would say, I just don't have time." 30 minutes tops.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the beautiful woman you have on your post. The hair is flawless.
